Welcome to iHeartColdBrew.com! Get ready to dive into the world of cold brew with a dose of clarity. Our “Disclaimers” page serves as your trusty guide, providing important information that keeps everything transparent and honest. Before you begin your cold brew-fueled journey, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the disclaimers that come along with the territory. Sip with confidence as our disclaimers ensure you’re fully informed as you embark on a caffeinated adventure armed with knowledge and inspiration.


We want to make it clear that while we strive to provide valuable information, the content on our site is intended for general informational purposes only. We are passionate about cold brew, but please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of the information presented.

At iHeartColdBrew, we believe in the power of a great cup of homemade cold brew, but we cannot accept any liability for the consequences of your personal cold brew adventures. Your use of the site and reliance on any information is entirely at your own risk. So, please enjoy responsibly and make sure to exercise your own judgment when brewing that perfect batch of cold brew goodness.


Sometimes, we may provide you with links to other websites or content from third parties. We want to make it clear that we do not personally investigate, monitor, or check the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of the information on those external sites. While we strive to provide quality recommendations, we do not endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any information offered by those third-party websites. We cannot be held accountable for any transactions or interactions you have with third-party providers of products or services. So, explore those external links at your own discretion.


We may occasionally include links to affiliate websites, which means that we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through those links. Rest assured, this doesn’t affect your shopping experience or the prices you pay. It’s simply a way for us to continue sharing valuable cold brew content while keeping the lights on. We are proud participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to support websites like ours.


Sometimes, we may provide you with links to other websites or content from third parties. We want to make it clear that we do not personally investigate, monitor, or check the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of the information on those external sites. While we strive to provide quality recommendations, we do not endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any information offered by those third-party websites. We cannot be held accountable for any transactions or interactions you have with third-party providers of products or services. So, explore those external links at your own discretion.

You may come across testimonials from users who have experienced our products and services. We want to emphasize that these testimonials reflect the personal experiences and opinions of those individuals. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s cold brew journey is unique, and the results and experiences shared may not be representative of what every user will achieve. Individual results may vary, and we cannot guarantee that you’ll have the same experience.

Rest assured that the testimonials you find on our site are submitted by real users and are reviewed by us before being posted. We may make minor edits for clarity, but we strive to maintain the authenticity of the testimonials. It’s important to keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in these testimonials belong solely to the individuals who provided them and do not necessarily reflect our own views or opinions. Users who share testimonials are not affiliated with us, and they are not compensated for their testimonials.

We hope this disclaimer helps clarify any concerns you may have. Our main goal is to provide you with an enjoyable, educational, and immersive cold brew experience. Cheers to your cold brew journey, and may every sip be a moment of pure delight!